Overlord tv tropes
Overlord tv tropes

overlord tv tropes
  1. Overlord tv tropes full#
  2. Overlord tv tropes series#

Does Not Like Shoes: Among others, the Minions, the halflings, and some of the human farmers are barefoot.

Overlord tv tropes full#

You start out too weak to survive without Browns backing you up in each fight, but the more Tower Objects you recover, the more powerful you become until you're able to take out an arena full of Battler Beetles single-handed.

  • Dismantled MacGuffin: The Overlord's Tower in every game, because the Tower Heart gets dismantled and its pieces stolen, the Minion Hives (except for the Brown Hive) get moved in the absence of an Overlord, and the Tower's Artifacts get lost or looted by treasure hunters.
  • You know you've already been down a passage when the furniture is splintered, feast tables are empty, and the Minions have pissed on the carpet.
  • Die, Chair, Die!: One way to leave yourself a crumb trail is to smash everything to splinters.
  • The sequel suggests that darkness is somewhat necessary for when Light Is Not Good and becomes its own evil, however. Some games present options for being a good guy with scary armor while Overlord II has you merrily massacring hippies while slaughtering stadium crowds.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: The game teeters back and forth on this option.
  • or you could just detour to heaven's peak to grab the blues, return, and order them to attack the ghosts directly.
  • Cutting the Knot: In the Mother Goddess Temple, you're meant wait for the guardian elf ghosts to wander behind these doors attached to special cranks, and then send minions to those cranks to shut the doors, which will only remain shut for as long as you have minions allocated to those cranks.
  • overlord tv tropes

    until they fall to Evil or tyranny in turn, starting the cycle anew. Genuine heroes eventually rise to fight the Overlord and temporarily make it a decent place to live. The conceit is that an efficient evil Overlord is likely preferable to well-intentioned (or not so well-intentioned) incompetent rulers. Crapsack World: This is the default state of the Overlord's world.Colonel Bogey March: The Minions will sometime whistle this while on the move.Some aspects of the tower lair also change, such as the color of the sky and how many spikes jut out of the ground around it. Character Model Karma Meter: The appearance of the Overlord's armor changes based on their Corruption (steel-grey with a red cape at 0% corruption, dark grey with a black cape and Spikes of Villainy at max corruption).Catchphrase: Gnarl's catchphrase is "Evil always finds a way.".Mostly, Gnarl carries the card for you (since you are a Villainous Mime) and takes great pleasure in expanding on the 'evilness' of things. The final boss of the game is also the Overlord (the real Overlord, who wiped the PC's memory so he'd reconquer the land for him) and the protagonist of the second game is a new Overlord, initially named the Overlad while he's still a child. Canon Identifier: In the first game you play as, appropriately enough, the Overlord.You're more a Knight in Shining Armor at lower corruption levels. Black Knight: In the first game, your armor gets blacker the closer you get to 100% corruption, with Spikes of Doom sprouting from your skin.All of the games also has a major villain who rivals the current Overlord.

    overlord tv tropes

    Overlord tv tropes series#

  • Big Bad: The entire series is based around the premise of being one of these.
  • Backstab: The Green's special attack is to jump upon an enemy's back and stab 'em until they die, and it deals much more damage in a single blow than the other Minions can.
  • overlord tv tropes

    However, with the proper upgrades the player character becomes a powerful Mighty Glacier Magic Knight armed with an Infinity +1 Sword. Authority Equals Asskicking: Somewhat averted in the beginning, where the player characters tend to be fairly weak and dependent on the Minions in a fight, in spite of what their intimidating appearance would suggest.Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: According to Word of God, this is what happens to the Third Overlord after the completion of the Infernal Abyss and the killing of the Forgotten God.As Long as There is Evil: A recurring theme in the games is that "Evil Always Finds A Way" and that there will always be someone to fulfill the position of Overlord, no matter how thoroughly the Tower has been trashed or how long it's been since the last one came to power.Artifact of Doom: The Tower Heart, the magical orb that powers the Dark Tower.And I Must Scream: Oberon Greenhaze actually begs for you to kill him so the tree keeping him captive in a nightmare will die.Arc Words: As per the page quote, Evil always finds a way.The entire Overlord series contains examples of:

    Overlord tv tropes